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The Fall Equinox is coming, which means it's about to be Libra season.

The Fall Equinox is coming, which means it's about to be Libra season. Because Libra has a classical sense of beauty -- all rose gardens and marble statuary -- I...

The Fall Equinox is coming, which means it's about to be Libra season. Because Libra has a classical sense of beauty -- all rose gardens and marble statuary -- I would normally be droning on about what to wear for afternoons wandering around the Met, how to make florals work for you and not against you, these sorts of things. But instead, I'm going to be talking about outerwear.

The reason for this is that in classical astrology, Libra rules our relationship to the Other. Now, what that Other might entail is pretty exciting stuff: lovers, collaborators, muses, and enemies are all part of the Libra experience. And it's not just that we grow or learn from our encounters with other people, but that the people in our lives are a fundamental part of who we are. The way we relate to, connect to, and care for other people is a huge part of who we are, not just something we do.

Which is why we all need to get a lot of warm clothes and good jackets, because Libra season is always a little chilly and all of that dining outdoors and drinking outdoors and talking outdoors so we don't accidentally get each other sick is going to get a little chilly. So best bundle up for now, so we can continue to glow in each other's presence, get our essential connection in, and keep each other safe.

The Fall Equinox is coming, which means it’s about to be Libra season.

Tamasha Cashmeres

This is extremely Libra. It's warm and very soft, it is classic as people have been weaving the wool of cashmere goats for decoration and warmth for hundreds of years, and it is such a subtle pink, like the heightened tint your lips naturally take on when you are looking at someone you want to kiss. I feel like I have found a peak Libra garment in this sweater. Wear it all season.


The Fall Equinox is coming, which means it’s about to be Libra season.

Isla Sweater

Of course the secret to real warmth is all in the layering. This is thin enough to go in between other items, staying snug against the skin so you don't look all lumpy and inflatable. (Also, better for retaining warmth.) This works under a larger sweater, or maybe a blazer, and you can throw it over a button down as well.

The Fall Equinox is coming, which means it’s about to be Libra season.

Laurel Coat 

Wearing faux fur rather than real fur is a kind of love, too. Not everything we connect with is gonna be human. Libra is ruled by the goddess Venus, and she kept a lot of animal companions. This is thick, but it still has some shape to it so it won't be overly boxy. (If you want boxy, and no one here would ever slander boxiness, just let it be intentional.)

The Fall Equinox is coming, which means it’s about to be Libra season.

VHNY Coat 

There is so much to love in this Gattaca coat: the classic shape, the fact that you can actually wash this thing and not have to take it to the dry cleaners, how good it is going to look over some wide legged trousers or some really great tights and boots. It will even look great with a scarf spilling out of the neckline and maybe a belt thrown around the waist. 

So eat out doors, even if your pasta gets cold somewhere between the third and fourth bit. You can already kind of picture yourself wearing these as the sun goes down, wrapping your arms around yourself at the outdoor cafe, those outdoor heating things doing either absolutely nothing to generate heat or feeling like they are five seconds away from setting your hair on fire, there is never any middle ground.. Order a glass of red wine, it is warming. Stay with your friend just a little longer.

Jessa Crispin

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